Struggling To Swim Across the 40K Ocean

        Hello again everyone! I believe I told you that I was doing Camp NaNoWriMo in my first post, if you forgot, or haven’t read it yet, here’s the link: I’m Back. So, I was trying to reach 50K, but a lot of stuff happened. Probably the most important event was that my aunt and cousin came to see us for a week! We live overseas so we don’t get to see family much so that was a HUGE surprise. And sadly, my writing lacked that week…

         Hence that, I have changed my word count goal to 40k, and I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to make that. I hope so, and I’m writing as fast as these fingers can go, but it’s hard. I knew that when I signed up for it, so I need to suck it up and get writing. Thanks to all you lovely people who continue to motivate me to keep on writing!:)

         At the moment, I am warding off writers block and trying not to run after plot bunnies. I’ve got a pen for a sword and my rough draft for a shield. It’s fun, but it’s challenging. I’m swimming across an ocean and I don’t know how wide it is, still avoiding the word count shark, though it did almost bite me the other day… Gotta go! Novels don’t write themselves (unless there’s a novel writing tree I don’t know about…)

Oh! Before I go, there’s a challenge over at my friend’s blog, here’s the link: The Challenge. I’m hoping to finish my entry by Wednesday, so watch for me over there. I think that’s it…

Until next time!

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