In Which I Am Recognized As A Blogger

Hello Readers,

I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award! Which comes with this pretty little graphic:

Isn’t that pretty?

And now, here are the pirate codes rules, but as you all know with me and tags by now…

Related image
So you see, you don’t really know what will happen.
  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  2. Write a post to show your award
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  5. Select 15 other bloggers for this award
  6. Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and link to the post you created.

Thank you Gracie Chick for this award, I appreciate it!

Now that that’s taken care of, sit down, readers, it’s story time.

Image result for drum roll please gif

About two years ago, I realized that I could conceivably start a blog. I actually had my first post written in my head at least a month before I actually began my blog. I spent two months figuring out if I really wanted to start a blog before talking nervously to my parents about it.

I started on a humble Blogspot website before eventually moving to WordPress.

Whew. Most boring story ever. Glad that’s over.

Now I’m supposed to give two pieces of advice to writers. I’m going to steal rehash something my best friend tells me when I whine about my writing.

1. You can’t edit a blank page. 

You can write a really bad page and get only a sentence out of it; but you got one good sentence. Which was more than you had before. So just write. Write and edit.

2. Write about anything. Write about what you think, what you feel, what moves you. It can be something as simple as raindrops on a window or something as big as meeting your hero at a concert (which is a story for another time).

Just… write.

Now, since the rules are not rules, but only guidelines, I can do this.

I tag whoever is wearing eyeliner or a red sock. 

You poor soul, whomever you are.



16 thoughts on “In Which I Am Recognized As A Blogger

  1. *wipes delicate tear from eye*

    That story is absolutely beautiful. *sniff*

    Also, I am not wearing eyeliner, nor a red sock, so therefore I’m very happy right now! YAY FOR NOT WEARING EYELINER!!!! And I don’t think I own red socks, so I dodged that one rather easily.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I left the cap off my eyeliner a while back and it dried up. Oops. =P
    Both of your pieces of advice were really good! I’m a huge perfectionist with first drafts (of anything) and it’s so hard for me to let go and just write things.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The one time I’m not wearing socks. LOL. (secretly I kind of want to do something like this but, WHAT HO and all that rot.) I like your beginning story. 🙂


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